Monday, October 17th, is the Grand Reopening for our online shop!! While we don’t have the Agendas in this release, we have created a free printable PDF Calendar for 2023 for you to fill in all of the upcoming birthdays and special occasions. Click here for your copy!
Check out a few of our featured products for this release below:
It’s time! Get ready and mark your calendars. We’re officially reopening October 17th!
I’ve essentially been on “maternity leave” for three years now. I announced that we would be closing Jitneys in October 2019 until further notice, mainly due to our precious Izzy girl being born. “This decision has not been taken lightly; in fact, we’ve been struggling with it heavily as it’s been tattered with an array of emotions, doubts and fears (which is why I’ve been so delayed in even posting this announcement); but we also have full confidence in where Jesus is leading us, that He has called us to this decision and that He goes before us.”
My dear friend, Katie Calvert, has been responding to Psalm 126 through art for a couple of years. She boldly walked in obedience to the Holy Spirit’s nudging in pioneering an artistic response series at our church. When she introduced the idea to our worship leaders, they RAN with it beautifully, bringing great detail and intentionality to each artist’s story and piece. The vision of this series has become so much greater than any of us imagined and has introduced a great partnership between our pastors and artists within the church. It is a stunning collaboration and visual of Jesus at work. There was a total of ten featured artists partnering with a pastor this summer, each one responding to a different Psalm. I’m beyond grateful to be a part of a church that is working hard to welcome opportunities to work together with everyone’s various giftings within the Body! See below for my response to Psalm 139 along with my artist statement: