Handlettered Etched Metal Bracelets with Leopardskin Jasper Beads

Etched bracelets

I have been obsessed with making these bracelets. A few months ago, I asked on FB what you would like to see etched onto the Jitney's handlettered beaded bracelets. Here's what I have so far!

Each metal piece is meticulously etched with a word or short phrase then finished off with leopardskin jasper beaded sides. These will be out for sale at the Advent Market on December 6th. 

In all honesty, the beaded part is what takes so long. I'm thinking about making a more simple version of the bracelet (without the beads) but still have the handlettering with maybe a simple leather band(s) on each side. Or maybe even no leather or beads, just a simple chain with the metal piece. What do you think?

Check out our other bracelets here

If you would like a customized bracelet, you can send us an email or contact us here. Please note that we will be unable to finish any orders prior to Christmas. These bracelets are priced at $28.