Advent Market at Summit Crossing

Advent Market at Summit Crossing

"During the Advent season of 2013 we were able to partner with Neverthirst to change the lives of several thousand people in 7 different villages in India. As 7 new wells were built we hope these lives are changed not just during the Christmas season but for years to come through clean water and for eternity with the hope of the Gospel of Christ.

As we look towards Christmas this year, we are excited to host the 3rd annual Advent Market on December 6th from 8am to 2:00pm. There are 63 local vendors that will be part of the market this year. Over $2400 has already been raised in booth fees and several vendors are giving a percentage of their sales to the wells. Come out and do all of your Christmas shopping and also help continue to carry the Gospel to the nations." - Summit Crossing 

Here's a sneak peek of a few products we'll have available at the Jitney booth this year: