How to Use Your Agenda! // My Personal Weekly + Monthly Layout

I confess. I have an obsession with paper. And pens. And probably washi tape. Oh, and fun little paper clips. It only makes sense that I have always used a paper planner. I've tried Google Calendar. I'll use it every now and then for reminders but a paper planner has very rarely let me down. I can lay it out, skim the months' and weeks' plans, write random notes that are somehow easier for me to find than typing it into a search bar and make it pretty / practice handlettering or doodles!! 

It just works for me. And it always has.

I've used my fair share of planners. A few years ago, I decided to design my own. Something that would work for me. I took concepts that I liked from planners I used since high school; brainstormed; designed it on paper; added tons of details that I needed on a monthly, weekly and daily basis; and finally built my perfect planner - which has actually ended up being the perfect planner for so many others! 

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