2015 Daily Agenda // Hourly Planner & Monthly Calendar

It's not too late to start planning the new year! There have been a number of obstacles we've hit since we announced our plans for the 2015 Agenda in October but they are finally in stock and ready for purchase. {cue the party hats, kazoos and "celebrate good times, come on!"}

Order them from our Etsy site here!

Thanks to your input on the Agenda Cover Design Giveaway, we decided to offer both the geometric and floral cover designs. Both have been selling at steady speeds. What would we do without y'all?

Special Features & Contents of the Agenda:

  • Dwell Richly: Inspired by Colossians 3:16, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly," we added this as a section for you to write in weekly scripture memory or things to be praying about. My current goal and goal for 2015 is to be more intentional... in memorizing scripture and praying for people. We hope you'll use it in the same way. [side note: We will share resources for different studies and ways to "dwell richly" throughout the 2015 year.]
  • By the Hour: Each page is one full day beginning at 6 am and ending at 9 pm. Fill in appointments, dinner dates, play dates, school schedules, or things to do (or to get done by that time). 
  • Today's Top Five: Set goals for yourself and feel awesome when you get to check it off your list for the day. Julie, one of our fabulous JCT members, likes to write in her Top 5 at the end of the day for the next day. (i.e. She'll write in her Top 5 for Tuesday at the end of the day Monday. That way, she can go into the office Tuesday morning and tackle it all without having to take time Tuesday morning to list out the goals for the day.)

  • The Feather: We couldn't help but sneak the feather logo design onto a few spreads including the holiday placeholders.

Dimensions: 6" x 8.5" x 1" (thickness)

Jitney's Journeys : Proverbs 31 Fabric Collage

A sweet friend, Halee, asked me if I could make something special for her mom's birthday, specifically a piece focused on Proverbs 31. After brainstorming different ideas, we decided on a fabric collage with a neutral color palette and pops of pink and turquoise, as well as burlap and lace. I embraced the theme of threes (because of her mom's three daughters) then adorned the collage with three vintage brooches and three ivory buttons.

When my great-grandmother passed away, she left tons of boxes filled with lovely sewing supplies, lace, zippers, fabric... anything you can think of in the sewing department. I, of course, wanted to incorporate several of those things into the collage (this theme reminds me so much of her) so I used one of her unfinished fabric squares as the first layer of the collage as well as lace and some of the crocheted doilies I found in the stash.

Halee sent me two pictures to use, one of her and her two sisters when they were younger, and the other of her family at Disney World this year. A vintage spoon is the center of the piece with "mother" engraved into it (in hindsight, I was I had used larger-set metal stamps but I used what I had) and a vial of pink flowers laid on a paper flower made of tissue, sheet music and kraft paper.

My absolute favorite part of Jitney's is being able to make personalized gifts like this. I've yet to meet Halee's mother, but what an honor it is to create a piece for a woman Halee loves so dearly!