2018 Agenda Update!

Oh, friends. I just ate an entire Espresso Ritter Sport chocolate bar while trying to type a blog post for this. We won't be selling 2018 Agendas this year. We've had so much going on between traveling and our house renovations, the Agendas got lost in the shuffle of it all. I've dreaded this announcement. I love using our Agenda and I love seeing others enjoy it so much!! The organization of it all, the largeness of it, the scripture written within it. It brings my heart so much joy. But I've prayed about it. I've spoken (probably on too many occasions) with JD and friends about it, and it just seems like that's what we need to do this year.

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Dwell Richly // 2017 Scripture Memory Resource

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. (Colossians 3:16)" Paul stresses the importance of scripture memory, to not only memorize God's Word, but to walk with Christ and encourage others with His Word.

The continuing of this verse encourages a deep level of intimacy within the believers' community... teach one another, admonish one another in all wisdom; sing together; be thankful together in your hearts to God. We need community. We need one another. It's the desire that God has created within us. When we first dwell in Christ, His love is an outpour - an overflow - into our communities. We are called to let the words of Christ dwell in us richly as a life-giving command for ourselves but also as a life-giving command for others. His words dwell in us and in return, pour out from our lips as truth to another as a form of accountability, love, wisdom and worship.

This is dwelling.

This is community.

This is worship.

an excerpt from Dwell (March 6, 2014)

So let's join in community together and memorize God's Word this year! We are so thrilled to release this free printable of 52 scripture memory verses for 2017. While this printable was created to supplement the Jitney's 2017 Agenda, we encourage anyone and everyone to use this as a free resource for scripture memory.

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How to Use Your Agenda! // My Personal Weekly + Monthly Layout

I confess. I have an obsession with paper. And pens. And probably washi tape. Oh, and fun little paper clips. It only makes sense that I have always used a paper planner. I've tried Google Calendar. I'll use it every now and then for reminders but a paper planner has very rarely let me down. I can lay it out, skim the months' and weeks' plans, write random notes that are somehow easier for me to find than typing it into a search bar and make it pretty / practice handlettering or doodles!! 

It just works for me. And it always has.

I've used my fair share of planners. A few years ago, I decided to design my own. Something that would work for me. I took concepts that I liked from planners I used since high school; brainstormed; designed it on paper; added tons of details that I needed on a monthly, weekly and daily basis; and finally built my perfect planner - which has actually ended up being the perfect planner for so many others! 

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2017 Agenda // Annual Planner At a Glance Free Printable

The 2017 Agenda is going up for pre-order August 22nd! Yay!! We won't be shipping out orders until mid-October so we wanted to offer a free printable to hold you over until then. Fill in your dates and events for each month in 2017 and easily transfer them to your 2017 Agenda when it comes to your doorstep. Even if you don't plan on ordering an Agenda, feel free to download the printable and use it to organize important occasions for the upcoming year! Stay tuned to our Instagram feed for updates and subscribe to our newsletter below. 

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2015 Daily Agenda // Hourly Planner & Monthly Calendar

It's not too late to start planning the new year! There have been a number of obstacles we've hit since we announced our plans for the 2015 Agenda in October but they are finally in stock and ready for purchase. {cue the party hats, kazoos and "celebrate good times, come on!"}

Order them from our Etsy site here!

Thanks to your input on the Agenda Cover Design Giveaway, we decided to offer both the geometric and floral cover designs. Both have been selling at steady speeds. What would we do without y'all?

Special Features & Contents of the Agenda:

  • Dwell Richly: Inspired by Colossians 3:16, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly," we added this as a section for you to write in weekly scripture memory or things to be praying about. My current goal and goal for 2015 is to be more intentional... in memorizing scripture and praying for people. We hope you'll use it in the same way. [side note: We will share resources for different studies and ways to "dwell richly" throughout the 2015 year.]
  • By the Hour: Each page is one full day beginning at 6 am and ending at 9 pm. Fill in appointments, dinner dates, play dates, school schedules, or things to do (or to get done by that time). 
  • Today's Top Five: Set goals for yourself and feel awesome when you get to check it off your list for the day. Julie, one of our fabulous JCT members, likes to write in her Top 5 at the end of the day for the next day. (i.e. She'll write in her Top 5 for Tuesday at the end of the day Monday. That way, she can go into the office Tuesday morning and tackle it all without having to take time Tuesday morning to list out the goals for the day.)

  • The Feather: We couldn't help but sneak the feather logo design onto a few spreads including the holiday placeholders.

Dimensions: 6" x 8.5" x 1" (thickness)

2015 Daily Agenda // Vote for Your Favorite Cover Design!

We need your help! We've created this fantastic agenda for 2015 but can't decide on the cover. Vote on your favorite design cover and you will be entered into a giveaway for a free 2015 Daily (by the hour) Agenda by Jitney's Journeys!

We've also included a layout of the inside pages design so that you can get the full picture of the agenda design.

Dwell Richly: Inspired by Colossians 3:16, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly," we added this as a section for you to write in weekly scripture memory or things to be praying about. My current goal and goal for 2015 is to be more intentional... in memorizing scripture and praying for people. We hope you'll use it in the same way. [side note: We will share resources for different studies and ways to "dwell richly" throughout the 2015 year.]

By the Hour: Each page is one full day beginning at 6 am and ending at 9 pm. Fill in appointments, dinner dates, play dates, school schedules, or things to do (or to get done by that time). 

Today's Top Five: Set goals for yourself and feel awesome when you get to check it off your list for the day. Julie, one of our fabulous JCT members, likes to write in her Top 5 at the end of the day for the next day. (i.e. She'll write in her Top 5 for Tuesday at the end of the day Monday. That way, she can go into the office Tuesday morning and tackle it all without having to take time Tuesday morning to list out the goals for the day.)

[JCT = Jitney Creative Team]

The Feather: We couldn't help but sneak the feather logo design onto a few spreads including the holiday placeholders.

B & W vs. Color: The front and back covers will be printed in color but the inside (unfortunately) will be printed in a simplistic black and white. There was a significant price difference between the two so we tried to create the best looking B & W design we could come up with. We didn't want to waste the color designs we came up with so we added the monthly calendars as a printable product in our Etsy shop. (see below)

Size: I normally prefer a hefty 8.5" x 11" but we decided to go with 6" x 8.5" after much thought, advice and inspiration. Our church created a phenomenal journal for a Psalms of Ascent study we're going though as a church body. As soon as I laid my hands on it, I knew it would be the perfect size for the new agenda design. I called the printing company they used (Sir Speedy in Nashville) and was deeply encouraged by the woman (Pam) I spoke with. "It's so neat to know that when the journals are here, they're just pieces of paper; but when the church begins to journal in them, they become Godly pages filled with prayers and scripture." Yes, please. I would be honored to do business with you, Sir Speedy. 

Now, go Vote!

Don't forget to stop by our Etsy Shop and check out the 2015 Monthly printable calendar we added to our product listings this morning!