How to Use Your Agenda! // My Personal Weekly + Monthly Layout

I confess. I have an obsession with paper. And pens. And probably washi tape. Oh, and fun little paper clips. It only makes sense that I have always used a paper planner. I've tried Google Calendar. I'll use it every now and then for reminders but a paper planner has very rarely let me down. I can lay it out, skim the months' and weeks' plans, write random notes that are somehow easier for me to find than typing it into a search bar and make it pretty / practice handlettering or doodles!! 

It just works for me. And it always has.

I've used my fair share of planners. A few years ago, I decided to design my own. Something that would work for me. I took concepts that I liked from planners I used since high school; brainstormed; designed it on paper; added tons of details that I needed on a monthly, weekly and daily basis; and finally built my perfect planner - which has actually ended up being the perfect planner for so many others! 

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Dwell Richly // 2016 Scripture Memory Resource

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. (Colossians 3:16)" Paul stresses the importance of scripture memory, to not only memorize God's Word, but to walk with Christ and encourage others with His Word.

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