Craniosynostosis // Day Four

If you're following along with the 2017 Scripture Memory / Dwell Richly printable, here's the verse for week 12:

Blessed be the Lord who has given rest to his people Israel, according to all that he promised. Not one word has failed of all his good promise, which he spoke by Moses his servant. 1 Kings 8:56

JULY 1, 2016

5:29 am // Friends, we are rejoicing this morning!!! Mia Kai's swelling has decreased dramatically and she even tried to smile at JD! She started wiggling when she tried to smile because she got so excited but then started crying because she realized she is still in pain. Sweet girl! She's trying so hard! She had a pretty great night. The nurses had to draw her bloodwork which she got pretty upset about but who wouldn't?? We cannot contain our excitement as we see our little one progress with healing so quickly! It's been a long three days but it also feels like it's flown by because of how quickly she's healing when we look at the long scheme of things. We praise God for healing our Little Pineapple so swiftly! She still has a ways to go with the swelling (particularly in the back of her head and the rest of her body) but she's doing so great! 

3:28 pm // And she's starting to get back to her old self!! She loves the ears on her little Wubbanub giraffe and we've been so sad because she hasn't felt up to holding it the past few days. We tried to teach her how to hold things leading up to the surgery, mainly so she would have a "comfort item" and it's been deeply rewarding having her love on her "Ralphie" again. We are so in awe of how quickly she is bouncing back. I mean, this girl had her scalp cut open and her skull broken apart just four days ago. Today she is smiling, wide eyed and looking around without fussing. It is such a joy and honor to be Mia Kai's parents. 

10:10 pm // This will be the last thing to get taken off (aside from here steri strips across the stitches on her head) before we go home. The doctor says she may get discharged tomorrow! Everyone has been so amazed by her progress in healing, including the doctors. Praising God for His sweet goodness to our family through this tough journey!