50 Day Art Challenge Featuring Each State // It's Complete!

The 50 Day Challenge is finally complete!! To those of you who kept with me the whole time - thank you! Your encouragement kept me going. And to those of you who found Jitney's because of the challenge, thanks for joining us! We're so excited about you! 

Fifty days. Fifty states. Fifty art pieces. The challenge took a little longer than 50 days but I had so much fun! The challenge has certainly molded my skills but also pushed me to try new techniques. I hope I represented your state well! To get a closer look at the pieces, you can find them on our Instagram feed. We've also posted a few of them up in our Etsy shop for purchase.

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50 Day Design Challenge // State-themed Gouache Paintings

Happy December!! This year has flown by. We've had quite a few transitions in our family in 2015 between changing our focus from 'craft-based' to 'art and design-based' with Jitney's, and, of course, the exciting addition of our little Mia Kai arriving next year in April. Yay!! 

This October, I decided to challenge myself with a 50 Day Design Challenge.

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