Psalm 139 Watercolor Silhouette Artist Statement

My dear friend, Katie Calvert, has been responding to Psalm 126 through art for a couple of years. She boldly walked in obedience to the Holy Spirit’s nudging in pioneering an artistic response series at our church. When she introduced the idea to our worship leaders, they RAN with it beautifully, bringing great detail and intentionality to each artist’s story and piece. The vision of this series has become so much greater than any of us imagined and has introduced a great partnership between our pastors and artists within the church. It is a stunning collaboration and visual of Jesus at work. There was a total of ten featured artists partnering with a pastor this summer, each one responding to a different Psalm. I’m beyond grateful to be a part of a church that is working hard to welcome opportunities to work together with everyone’s various giftings within the Body! See below for my response to Psalm 139 along with my artist statement:

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2018 Agenda Update!

Oh, friends. I just ate an entire Espresso Ritter Sport chocolate bar while trying to type a blog post for this. We won't be selling 2018 Agendas this year. We've had so much going on between traveling and our house renovations, the Agendas got lost in the shuffle of it all. I've dreaded this announcement. I love using our Agenda and I love seeing others enjoy it so much!! The organization of it all, the largeness of it, the scripture written within it. It brings my heart so much joy. But I've prayed about it. I've spoken (probably on too many occasions) with JD and friends about it, and it just seems like that's what we need to do this year.

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50 Day Art Challenge Featuring Each State // It's Complete!

The 50 Day Challenge is finally complete!! To those of you who kept with me the whole time - thank you! Your encouragement kept me going. And to those of you who found Jitney's because of the challenge, thanks for joining us! We're so excited about you! 

Fifty days. Fifty states. Fifty art pieces. The challenge took a little longer than 50 days but I had so much fun! The challenge has certainly molded my skills but also pushed me to try new techniques. I hope I represented your state well! To get a closer look at the pieces, you can find them on our Instagram feed. We've also posted a few of them up in our Etsy shop for purchase.

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50 Day Design Challenge // State-themed Gouache Paintings

Happy December!! This year has flown by. We've had quite a few transitions in our family in 2015 between changing our focus from 'craft-based' to 'art and design-based' with Jitney's, and, of course, the exciting addition of our little Mia Kai arriving next year in April. Yay!! 

This October, I decided to challenge myself with a 50 Day Design Challenge.

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Watercolor Wednesday // Early Quiet Mornings

Aside from the fact I used watercolor as a medium (green triangle and a white-wash on the mug), I wouldn't quite consider this painting a "watercolor". It's really just a fun, quick sketch with lovely accents.

The quote, on the other hand, I'm loving.

I've been waking up super early the past few mornings (which is rare for me). Most mornings, JD lovingly drags me out of bed and I feel anxiously rushed to get the day going.

As I was slowly breathing in the fresh air this morning, these words hit me like a rock: 

Quiet, early mornings are rich for the soul.

There's something undeniably comforting about waking up with the sun and the birds, soaking in God's Word and drinking a warm cup of coffee in solitude. The rush of the day has yet to begin. 

Maybe you love the painting or maybe you just love the words. Maybe you hate it altogether. It's okay if you do [just don't tell me]. Either way, the print is available for digital download on our Etsy site! [click this link]

Watercolor Wednesday // Your Path is Beautiful and Crooked

It's official. You can buy your first Jitney's Journeys original watercolor print here:

But before you purchase, read the story behind this print below. Hint: You may find a little surprise waiting for you at the bottom of the post. 

In all honesty, many of my days feel chaotic. My mind is a jumbled mess and my path seems completely at a standstill, blocked by trees (at least the view is nice!). 

During JD's most recent trip, I decided to take a watercolor class. This class was amongst many, many things I did during his absence to keep my mind preoccupied and my hands busy (so that I wouldn't bite my fingernails - a dreadful habit I never noticed until my brother pointed it out a couple of months ago). 

While searching for inspiration, I fell in love with a quirky yet charming photo of pigeon-toed vintage brogue shoes.  I immediately began sketching and painting.  

Most days, I'm super quirky. But not on purpose. It just happens that way. My feet turn inwards and my face turns a sweet shade of pink when conversations navigate towards me.

Some days I feel completely confident in what I'm doing in life. Then I snap back to reality and realize I have no. I. dea. And that's okay.

"Your path is beautiful & crooked & just as it should be." 

Just being honest here... it would be nice to have thousands of "likes" on FB or Instagram on all of the things I post but that's certainly not the case. This watercolor, however, had the most "likes" - by far - of anything I posted. 

That tells me that you're with me. Not only do I need to be reminded that my path is beautiful & crooked & just as it should be, but YOURs is too! 

So let's walk these paths together. 

Our beautiful, crooked, just as they should be, paths. 

Side note: In honor of our first "Watercolor Wednesday", we're offering free shipping on your purchase of this watercolor print.

Use code YOURPATH at checkout. Offer expires Sunday, September 28!!